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About Us

SneakersJoint is made up of people who have been brought together by the world of sneakers, design and fashion. We specialize in selling rare and selected premium products with guaranteed authenticity, offering our services at the highest level.
Products sold on our site, for the most part, are hard-to-find goods that are sold out worldwide at official distribution points. Their rarity and uniqueness means that they are sold on the secondary market at a much higher price than originally, as demand exceeds supply. Helping our community, we have specialized in bringing limited and unique sneakers and other products that we find especially for you by searching all over the world.
We focus on transparency, making your shopping experience with us a pleasant and stress-free process. We verify and check each item so that you can be sure of the quality and authenticity of your purchase. This is possible thanks to the network of contacts with collectors and private sellers we work with on a daily basis.
SJ News

Sneakers Store
It all started with on-court appearances, magazines and posters. Sneakers became a way of expressing one’s personality, a way of life. Interestingly enough, the Air Jordan 1 model is a strong presence in American streetwear culture. The release of this classic was considered a huge success that changed the turn of streetwear’s fortunes forever. Another key factor that plays a huge role in the demand chain is social media.
Sneaker fashion has evolved at the speed of light. Street fashion has begun to mix with luxury fashion. Collaborations between brands such as Louis Vuitton and Supreme are not a dream, but history. The days when you could go to an American store and pick up a pair of Air Jordan IV Bred are long gone. That’s why we are We! We are looking for the perfect solution for you, wanting to find you your dream limited edition pair.
Streetwear store
Streetwear footwear and apparel is a style way of being for us. Are you looking for shoes, clothing and accessories inspired by the street and luxury fashion ? Want to inspire is into urban culture, art, sneakerhead subculture and luxury fashion? You’ve come to the right place! You can find sneakers that will perfectly match your style aesthetic – starting with something chic, ending with something casual.
Streetwear brings generations together! Streetwear style shoes have recently been gaining popularity among both younger and older generations. In fact, these brands have been popular for a long time and continue to grow rapidly due to their ability to appeal to different demographics of people.
Limited sneakers
Limited sneakers are becoming an object of desire. It is also an ideal gift for any occasion. On our site you will find models to suit every taste. Little available sneakers are in high demand, so they sell out in a flash. When you buy Footwear you are betting on style, uniqueness and very rare footwear on the Polish market. Sneakers on our site are released in limited quantities, which means that collectors can not often find them in large quantities, availability is limited.