Supreme Windstopper Navy Small Logo is a jacket that combines functionality with elegance. It is a product that not only protects against rain thanks to GORE-TEX technology, but also effectively stops wind, making it an ideal choice for unpredictable weather conditions. Made of the highest quality materials, it guarantees comfortable wear and durability that will last for many seasons.

Although Supreme is a brand that has gained worldwide recognition, in the case of this jacket, it is its functionality and classic logo that attracts the most attention. It is a limited edition, which further increases its value in the eyes of fashion connoisseurs. Anyone who chooses to wear it will not only emphasize their style, but also show that they appreciate quality and innovation in the fashion world.

The color navy blue is a classic that goes well with a variety of styles, while adding elegance. Supreme Windstopper Navy Small Logo is not just a jacket, it is first and foremost a choice for those who want to combine functionality with top-notch fashion.

Weight N/A
Rozmiar Ubrania


Kategorie , ,
SKU S23J0001
Size availability GS (35.5-40 EU), WMNS (35.5 - 44.5 EU) , MENS (40.5 - 50 EU)
Zdjęcie The product in the photo may vary slightly in design and size depending on the size and size of the product ordered.


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