Limited Collection

The New Balance 725 Naked Copenhagen is a unique sneaker that stands out from the crowd thanks to its unique aesthetics and high-quality workmanship. These limited edition sneakers are the result of collaborations, which adds to their exclusivity and makes them coveted by shoe lovers and fashion fans alike.

These shoes feature an interesting combination of cream and blue tones, which gives them a unique and fresh look. This color scheme, which combines subtlety with elegance, makes these sneakers easy to match with a variety of looks, from casual to more formal.

Made of leather, the New Balance 725 Naked Copenhagen guarantees not only an attractive appearance, but also durability and comfort. The solid construction and high-quality materials used in these shoes demonstrate the brand’s commitment to creating products of the highest standard.

In conclusion, the New Balance 725 Naked Copenhagen are sneakers that combine classic style with modern design and creativity. Their limited edition, original colors and quality workmanship make them appreciated by both sports enthusiasts and those who appreciate fashion and uniqueness in their closet.

Weight N/A

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Size availability GS (35.5-40 EU), WMNS (35.5 - 44.5 EU) , MENS (40.5 - 50 EU)
Zdjęcie The product in the photo may vary slightly in design and size depending on the size and size of the product ordered.


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