CREP Cure Travel is a comprehensive shoe care kit, ideal for frequent travelers and those who want to keep their shoes in excellent condition wherever they are. The kit includes 100 ml of dirt removal spray, a premium brush and a microfiber cloth, making it a one-stop solution for cleaning different types of footwear. CREP Cure Travel Dirt Remover Spray effectively cleans footwear without leaving marks or damage, even on delicate materials like suede and nubuck.

The premium brush in the kit is specially designed for gentle but effective cleaning without scratching the surface of shoes. The microfiber cloth works perfectly with the spray, helping to remove dirt and stains quickly and efficiently. The compact size of the CREP Cure Travel kit makes it easy to take on the go, ensuring that your shoes will look impeccable in any situation.

All in all, CREP Cure Travel is the perfect kit for anyone who wants to quickly and effectively clean their footwear, no matter where they go. Its practicality, effectiveness and safe use on different types of footwear make it an essential accessory for travel. It is an excellent choice for those who value both comfort and keeping their shoes in perfect condition.

Weight 1 kg
Kategorie ,
Size availability GS (35.5-40 EU), WMNS (35.5 - 44.5 EU) , MENS (40.5 - 50 EU)
Zdjęcie The product in the photo may vary slightly in design and size depending on the size and size of the product ordered.


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