As people fascinated by sneakers, we want our collection to expand. However, in the world of limited shoes, dangers lurk at every turn. There are more and more fake limited edition sneakers on the market and they are produced with increasing care, making it difficult to distinguish them from the original.

We realize that the prices of such rare shoes are high, so we want to protect you from losing them. Keep reading to know what to look out for when buying shoes online, so you don’t get fooled and buy fake shoes.

Verify where to buy sneakers

When you are going to buy shoes stationary the risk of buying a fake pair of shoes is very small. The case is different when buying online.

We can find countless sneaker stores out there. Just which one can we trust?

If you buy shoes from a website, check, whether the company is legally registered in Poland. A company that operates an online store, is required to provide its data such as name, address and Tax ID.

Typing this information into an Internet search engine should show you sites like OWG or CEIDG that present the current status of a given company.

If you can’t search for a particular company by NIP, It may mean that the company does not exist and the store from which you want to buy shoes is fake. If the company is registered in China or China is the place of shipment is a sign that the shoes are most likely fake.

Terms and conditions of a website selling non-original shoes








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Very underpriced sneakers This is a common signal that the seller is trying to cheat you. Although the ordered product will actually come to you, it will be inauthentic.

In the shoe market, Their price is variable and often varies between sizes. In most cases, it is steadily increasing. If you see your coveted shoes at an undervalued price you should abandon the purchase. This is a common mistake made by those unfamiliar with the shoe market.

What information does the box of the original sneakers have?

Before talking about the shoe itself, you can tell a lot from what they came packaged in.

Each original pair of shoes should be delivered in a box of good quality material with the brand logo and label.

The label should include information such as:

  • serial number,
  • size, model,
  • COLOR.

All information from the label should coincide with that on the tag in the shoe.

Unfortunately, fake shoe companies are also very good at faking labels, so it’s worth comparing it with a photo of the original label online.

Avoid poor quality shoes

Original shoes are characterized by the fact that they are made of high-quality materials and technology developed over the years to ensure maximum comfort. In addition, the materials used undergo a series of tests for health safety.

In the production of fakes, materials can come from an unknown source and emit harmful toxins. Forget about comfort or good shoe lining here. Uneven stitching, poor quality material, protruding threads or visible glue are signs of fake sneakers.

Comparison of an original and a fake pair of Air Jordan 1 Mid Lucky Green

Below you can see a comparison of the original pair of Jordan 1 Lucky Green that came to our warehouse but we managed to recognize.

Let’s start with the element that is most striking. The heel counter in a non-original pair is very crookedly sewn, which we can immediately notice.

Non-original pair
The original pair

UV lamp and the originality of shoes

When identifying a non-original pair of shoes, a UV lamp comes in very handy. When you point the lamp at the shoes, the seams will be highlighted on the original pair, while the shoe upper will be highlighted on the fake one.

Non-original pair
The original pair
Non-original pair
The original pair
The original pair

Side profile of the shoe vs. originality

When we look at the side profile of the shoe we don’t see a significant difference. However, the fake pair does not have the Nike Air and Jordan logo tag.

The original pair

Label vs. original shoes

Inside the shoe under the tongue or side of the shoe you will find a tag. If it is not there, it proves the originality of the shoe. The tag will carry the size of the shoes or where they were manufactured.

The most important is the serial code, also known as the SKU. SKU code consists of 8 a 12 characters If after entering the code in the search engine, your purchased sneakers do not appear, you can be 100% sure that they are unoriginal.

In case the shoes you bought appear to you after typing the SKU into an Internet search engine, look at the quality of the printed label. If this one is very poorly printed, the letters are uneven or there are spelling errors the shoe is unoriginal. Especially when it goes hand in hand with poor quality footwear.

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