As interest in Nike Jordan shoes has grown, so has the number of counterfeit Nike Jordan shoes on the market. Scammers take advantage of a buyer’s ignorance or inattention by selling him a fake pair of sneakers. These kicks often resemble the original to an illusion. So how can we tell if we have fallen victim to a scam?

The city of Putian in southeastern China is considered the “world capital” of counterfeit shoes. However, fake sneakers are also produced in many other places. Fakes from different factories will certainly not be the same, so it is good to have knowledge of even the smallest details of the shoe and their original design.

In this article, we will outline some aspects to look out for when conducting an authenticity check on Nike Jordan shoes.

How to prevent the purchase of counterfeits?

Remember that it is best to buy Jordan shoes from stores with authenticity guarantee. If you are not sure about the reliability of a particular company – look for reviews about it on the Internet, check social media. If during your research you see that something is “wrong,” you’d better hold off on your purchase decision.

Remember, too, that if your dream shoe model, which is rather hard to find on the market, suddenly appears on some little-known site, at a strangely low price and in addition, it is possible to buy the whole size – most likely you are dealing with fakes.

Scammers can also be found on well-known Polish auction platforms. They have developed their methods of operation, often after the purchase the seller’s account disappears and the victim can do nothing.

If you decide to buy shoes through any of the listed sites, make sure that the person selling has a fair number of positive reviews also ask for proof of purchase of the shoes and, if possible, conduct the transaction in person, “live”-that way you will be able to see the shoes before payment.

What to look for when checking the authenticity of shoes?

It will certainly be useful for you to know the vocabulary used by sneaker specialists:

LEGIT CHECK – is nothing more than simply checking the authenticity of a shoe, sneakerheads also use the abbreviation “lc”

SCAM – scam


If you have purchased your pair of Jordans and have a suspicion that they may not be original – check the following aspects.

  1. Box

First of all, pay attention to the box – original shoes are always sold in an aesthetically pleasing cardboard box. Look at the label, too – the data there must match the information on the tag inside the shoe.

You can also search the Internet for a photo of the original cardboard box from the shoes you bought and compare the appearance with your box paying special attention to the font from the label – the one in the fakes is often different.

2. workmanship

Before you start analyzing the shoe in detail, evaluate how the shoe looks as a whole. Genuine sneakers are created from quality materials, using special technologies, the shoes also undergo a number of tests before appearing on the market – hence the sometimes high price.

Counterfeit manufacturers do not care about details, so fake sneakers may be characterized primarily by poor-quality material, uneven joints of individual pieces, protruding glue and thread, sloppy, crooked stitches and seams.

3. smell

Another aspect to be analyzed is the smell. Counterfeit shoes smell very different from the original ones. Such a test, however, can be conducted by those who have an original pair of Jordans and can make a comparison.

4. Logo Air Jordan

While copy factories mostly reproduce the logo exactly, it is not identical to the original. The real Air Jordan logo is embossed deeper into the leather, in the fakes we are dealing with a print rather than embossing. The “Air Jordan” lettering on the original logo has slightly thicker and larger letters, while the replica has them smaller and thinner.

5. swoosh logo

We should pay attention to the placement of the Swoosh logo. Very often in replicas it is placed too low or too high, too far or too close to the shoelace holes.

The Swoosh logo should be neither too short nor too long. The shape should also be clear and defined. The three main points are:

  • thin end,
  • rounded curve,
  • pointed tip.

The best way to confirm originality is to compare with authentic pairs, so in order to carry out a legit check, we recommend finding a photo of the original shoes you purchased on the Internet.

6. outsole logo.

The letters on the sole of a fake shoe are usually too narrow. Remember that the letter “K” in the Nike logo must touch the letter “E”. Not only the font itself should be correct, but also its placement.

The Nike logo should be right in the middle of the outsole. It is also important that the ® mark be clear and visible. In addition, the sole in the fey tends to be more plastic than rubber.

7. logo on the tongue

Take a good look at the woven label attached to the top of the tongue. Counterfeit Jordans may not have a circle with the registered “R” trademark, while Nike’s original shoes use a doubled “R” on that tag.

Embroidery should not be too thick or too thin. There should be no bulging or protruding threads or “bald” spots.

The font in the logo is also important. While the word “Nike” in most fakes looks like the original, in the the word “Air,” the letters are often not properly aligned and appear too large.

8. back of the shoe

Another distinctive element to look at is the back of the shoe. Jordan sneakers are characterized by an “hourglass” shape: thicker at the top and bottom and slender in the middle. . Fake Jordan 1 pairs often have an oversized and “inflated” heel.

Also check the small rectangular tab located in the middle of the shoe. An important aspect here is the double stitch: one should be placed exactly over the other.

The examples described above are common features of counterfeits. However, it is worth noting that this list is not complete.

If you have trouble identifying the authenticity of your Jordans try to find a video on the YouTube platform with a legit check of a particular color scheme, or ask people more experienced in the subject, for example, through Facebook groups dedicated to, among other things, verifying authenticity. You will be able to get more than one professional opinion.

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